Pregnancy is not the only cause for stretch marks, although it is the most popular and common cause of most of these scars. There are other periods in a person's life when these marks may form, and men are also susceptible to forming these marks and not just women.

As you know, stretch marks form when the body grows really fast and the skin is unable to cope with the increase in size. Because of this, it is forced to stretch past its limits causing small tears to appear on the dermal layer of the skin. Once these wounds heal, the scars will then be visible on the surface of the skin.

Puberty is one point in a person's life when the body grows really fast. We grow both in and in height and in weight, which causes the skin to stretch in different directions. When the skin is unable to cope with this increased rate of growth, the skin will eventually tear and later form stretch marks. The hormonal changes in the body can also contribute to the increased risk of the formation of these scars.

Another risk factor of forming stretch marks is being overweight or obese. This is because eating too much will cause an increase in the body's size, which will then result in the skin stretching to far. This will of course naturally lead to the formation of stretch marks.

Aside from eating too much, going to the gym and bodybuilding may also be a cause for the formation of these marks. A rapid increase in the size of the muscles can also lead to the stretching of your skin to the point that it tears. Be sure to lift weights in moderation so that the increase in muscle mass is not so sudden that the skin is unable to accommodate its growth.

One way to completely remove stretch marks from the skin is by undergoing expensive methods such as microdermabrasion or laser treatments. These methods work by removing the scars on your skin permanently so that no traces will be left behind once the skin regenerates its cells and replace the space left behind by the scar.

Stretch mark creams
are also another alternative that you can use in case you don't have the budget for the more expensive methods. This works by lightening the appearance of stretch marks so that it will be less visible to the naked eye. One problem is that it might not work as well for people with darker skin as the cream may only increase the contrast and make the stretch mark more visible.

Pregnancy is not the only cause why stretch marks form. In line with this, men can also have stretch marks in the different times of their lives, although it is less common as they don't get pregnant. In order to get rid of these scars, you can undergo procedures such as microdermabrasion or laser treatments, or use stretch mark creams to lighten the appearance of these scars.